سماعة براند Bang Olufsen

تحديث قبل يوم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اذكر الله وصلي على الرسول الكريم (﮼محمد ﷺ ) سماعة احترافية سلكية العزل والصوت فيها ممتاز براند Bang&Olufsen معروف ومختص بالسماعات والاجهزة الصوتية مستخدمة حالتها جيدة ولاتستعمل وفيها مايكرفون صوته صافي وازرار تحكم بسلكها براند Bang & Olufsen H6 Over-Ear مواصفات Highlights 40mm Neodymium Custom B&O Drivers Bass Port Design In-Line Microphone Remote Control Share Music With Two Headphones Left Or Right Earcup Cable Connection Genuine Leather Ear Covers Aluminum Tube Headphone Jack Designed by Jakob Wagner 20 to 22,000 Hz Frequency Range Features Designed for the music enthusiast by Jakob Wagner, the bronzed hazel version of the H6 Over-Ear Headphones from from B&O PLAY by Bang & Olufsen use custom 40mm neodymium drivers with bass ports housed behind anodized high-grade aluminum cover plates with a retractable composite textile-finished frame and genuine leather earcups. The design makes the headphones comfortable to wear for extended listening sessions, and the integrated 3-button in-line microphone remote control with aluminum tube headphone jack allows you to manage media and make calls on your mobile device. The headphone cable can be plugged into either the left or right earcup. A second cable can be plugged into the other earcup, and the other end of the cable can be plugged into a second pair of B & O Play H6 headphones so you can share your music with a friend. The retractable headband is padded with textured fabric, and the earcups are designed to both swivel and pivot to help ensure a comfortable fit. سعرها كان قبل 2360ريال وبنون قبل مدة حول الفين عشان نزل اصدارات بعدها البيع اعلى سوم ورجاء السوم من الصامل والعارف بالسماعة واسعارها
سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 0سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 1سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 2سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 3سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 4سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 5سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 6سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 7سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 8سماعة براند Bang Olufsen 9
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