معلم انجليزي مكه الشرايع مخطط 3

تحديث قبل 3 اسابيع
Hello there! My name is Teacher Mahmoud. I have been tutoring English for more than 15 years, and I absolutely love it!  I graduated from Ain Shams University with a Bachelor of arts. I have also received a 120 hour TESOL  certificate , which has provided my many valuable skills that have helped to make me the tutor I am today. I provide an exciting and engaging class to students of all ages, and of all levels. My class includes fun games and rewards that students love. .I connect with students based on their interests  and learning styles. I know that every student has a different way they learn best. While some students are talkative and comfortable expressing themselves, others can be shy and need more encouragement so that they can feel comfortable coming out of their shell. So I take special care to adapt my teaching style to fit each student’s needs I listen closely to each student’s speech and give detailed corrections to their pronunciation and grammar, while also providing important vocabulary which helps them to grow their knowledge of the English language. While I take special care to correct my students, I am also careful to make sure my correction does not hold back or the students’ expression, but rather aides and scaffolds their expression, so that they can become clearer and more confident speakers.
معلم انجليزي مكه الشرايع مخطط 3 0
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