Cranes forklifts turnips turnips and decks for rent

Abu Wissam for renting cranes, forklifts, German lifts, Caesar picks, flatbeds, jeepneys, bullets and all heavy equipment for daily, monthly and annual rent and providing manpower and rides upon request. ابو وسام لايجار الكرينات والروافع الشوكيه والمان لفت والسيزر لفت والسطحات والجيسيبي والرصاصات وجميع المعدات الثقيله إيجار يومي وشهري وسنوي وتوفير الأيدي العامله ومشاوير ع الطلب
Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 0Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 1Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 2Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 3Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 4Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 5Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 6Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 7Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 8Cranes  forklifts  turnips  turnips  and decks for rent 9
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