CCTV security cameras installation and services.

تحديث قبل 4 ايام
please read first. . Hello everyone i am offering service relative to CCTV and IP cameras Anyone want to install CCTV or IP camera with full service installation, cabling , configure, DVR and NVR switches 1) Hikvision 4 cameras mp 2) Dvr 4 channel Hikvision 3) Hard disk 1TB 4) Power supply 5) Cables for all 4 cameras 6) BNC connectors 7) Red Black cables termination 8) Water proof box 9) Flexible pipe 10) Online mobile view contact if u want service for your home for your office technician will come and do it for u charges will depend on the quality of camera and equipment required prefer Whatsapp app only PROFESSIONAL TEAM QUALITY WORK AFFORD ABLE SECURITY FOR YOUR HOME OR OFFICE. call or Whatsapp # + ( رقم الجوال يظهر في الخانة المخصصة ) (Adil)
CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 0CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 1CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 2CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 3CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 4CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 5CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 6CCTV security cameras  installation and services. 7
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